I have some 10 buttons with image-text and hover states for each. What I want to do is use background-position, width and height to only show the part of the background image sprite and hover background-position to show the hover style. I'll also use an image replacement class on the element so that it remains accessible and indexable.
So (measurements are random):
.button-1{width:200px;height:30px;background-position:0 0;}
.button-1:hover{background-position:0 -30px;}
.button-2{width:250px;height:30px;background-position:100px 0;}
.button-2:hover{background-position:100px -30px;}
/* Image Replacement Class (H5BP, @necolas && BEM) */
.ir{border:0;font:0/0 a;text-shadow:none;color:transparent;background-color:transparent;}
<a href="someLink.html" class="menu button-1 ir">Button 1</a>
<a href="someOtherLink.html" class="menu button-2 ir">Button 2</a>
What I want to know is if that is a good way of doing this or should it be done differently, like:
<a href="someLink.html"><img src="image.png" width="200" height="30" alt="Button 1"/></a>
Then with JavaScript swap the image on hover.
Is there any difference between the two in terms of accessibility and robots?
Thank you.
What you are doing is correct. Do not forget to add a display: block;
to that link. Something else you can do is putting the actual link text in a span and then positioning that span absolute out of the screen. Like so:
<a href="" title="Test link"><span>Home page</span></a>
And in your css file:
a > span {position: absolute; top: -10000px;}