
LinkedIn-J does not return educations

I am using LinkedIn-J. My application authenticates without problem, I get data from the user - even their first name, last name etc.

Person profile = client.getProfileForCurrentUser();

However, when I try to get the list of educations, the Educations object returned is null:

Educations educations = profile.getEducations();
educations == null

What can be the error? Should my application ask for special permissions to be granted?


  • I've never used the Linkedin-j api before, but according to the LinkedIn api you get firstname, lastname, headline, and some url by default.

    So I believe you need to specify that you want education returned. I don't know how to do that in LinkedIn-J though.

    For example, with the rest api you'd use this uri:,last-name, educations)

    Using the LinkedIn J library, it seems like you have to add profile fields using Set as a parameter to one of their many methods in the client.

    Example of a method you could call of many (if you have a connected user):

    public Person getProfileForCurrentUser(Set<ProfileField> profileFields)

    ProfileField is an Enum located here:
