
When using Perl's File::Find what's a quick & easy way to limit search depth?

I want to be able to limit Perl's File::Find to a directory depth (below the specified search) to the specified directory and 1 & 2 subdirectories beneath it.

I want to be able to enumerate the files at the same time, if this is possible.

It must work with absolute paths.


  • This perlmonks node explains how to implement mindepth and maxdepth from GNU's find.

    Basically, they count the number of slashes in a directory, and use that to determine the depth. The preprocess function will then only return the values where the depth is smaller than the max_depth.

    my ($min_depth, $max_depth) = (2,3);
    find( {
        preprocess => \&preprocess,
        wanted => \&wanted,
    }, @dirs);
    sub preprocess {
        my $depth = $File::Find::dir =~ tr[/][];
        return @_ if $depth < $max_depth;
        return grep { not -d } @_ if $depth == $max_depth;
    sub wanted {
        my $depth = $File::Find::dir =~ tr[/][];
        return if $depth < $min_depth;

    Tailored to your case:

    use File::Find;
    my $max_depth = 2;
    find( {
        preprocess => \&preprocess,
        wanted => \&wanted,
    }, '.');
    sub preprocess {
        my $depth = $File::Find::dir =~ tr[/][];
        return @_ if $depth < $max_depth;
        return grep { not -d } @_ if $depth == $max_depth;
    sub wanted {
        print $_ . "\n" if -f; #Only files