I am trying to insert the data to hbase table wth one cloumn family info with column keys name,age..
in table hbase format should be like this
row column+cell
1 column=info:name timestamp=--- value=vani
2 column=info name timestamp=--- value=veena
.. the above this be the format.. then I am using THrift API with hbase +php..
Now I have to write php code for above data insertion to hbase table
plz can anyone tel me.. how to do?
You can use something like this:
// get HbaseClient
$client = <your code>;
$mutation =new Mutation(array("column" => "info:name", "value" => "vani"));
$client->mutateRow("table_name", $row_key = 1, array($mutation));
$mutation =new Mutation(array("column" => "info:name", "value" => "veena"));
$client->mutateRow("table_name", $row_key = 2, array($mutation));
You need to get client before using mutations, because client includes files needed for mutations and many other;
You can also mutate multiple rows at one time using $client->mutateRows() function and batch mutations