I have a common
module which consists of a class common
which contains processing functions for numbers and types of data I am using. I want to be able to include it like from common import common
(or better yet just import common
) and use functions like common.howLongAgo(unixTimeStamp)
What is required to do this in my common
Ways of exposing methods in a python module:
module foo.py
def module_method():
return "I am a module method"
class ModClass:
def static_method():
# the static method gets passed nothing
return "I am a static method"
def class_method(cls):
# the class method gets passed the class (in this case ModCLass)
return "I am a class method"
def instance_method(self):
# An instance method gets passed the instance of ModClass
return "I am an instance method"
now, importing:
>>> import foo
>>> foo.module_method()
'I am a module method'
>>> foo.ModClass.static_method()
'I am a static method'
>>> foo.ModClass.class_method()
'I am a class method'
>>> instance = ModClass()
>>> instance.instance_method()
'I am an instance method'
If you want to make class method more useful, import the class directly:
>>> from foo import ModClass
>>> ModClass.class_method()
'I am a class method'
You can also import ... as ...
to make it more readable:
>>> from foo import ModClass as Foo
>>> Foo.class_method()
'I am a class method'
Which ones you should use is somewhat a matter of taste. My personal rule of thumb is: