
Is there any full width supporting CSS Grid System?

Is there any CSS grid system that supports full viewport width? Most Grid System seem to just intend a width of 960px up to 1140px. This is the most deployed width for a normal User(as the most people are using 1280px × 1024px).

My purpose is to have a responsive layout for Users using even a FULL HD Resolution(1920px × 1080px).

If there is a better/more simple way to make it, pls let me know


  • Twitter bootstrap fluid grid system works with percentages : http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html#fluidGridSystem

    There is also a lot of pure css responsive grid system, for exemple : Skeleton

    This article covers a lot of them : http://speckyboy.com/2011/11/17/15-responsive-css-frameworks-worth-considering/

    It's possible to do that yourself, using percentages for css width, media queries and js fallbacks (as media queries aren't fully supported).

    But those grid systems will save you times and headaches as they are for the most well tested.

    To help your decision, you should consider :

    Also, this site is a most for responsive inspirations : http://mediaqueri.es/