
Skype4COM C++ event handling

Could anyone provide working example in C++ with event handling for Skype4COM, i.e. incoming call or incoming message handling?

I use "IDispEventImpl" to catch events, but it gives an error when event occurs: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location "0x00000014".

It seems that some variable not initialized: in atlcore.h: in CComCriticalSection class: in HRESULT Lock(): EnterCriticalSection(&m_sec);

Here is link to project: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/41844149/SkypeCallbackExample.zip

What is wrong?


  • I found code example here: COM event handling

    Source code that is based on example and uses Skype4COM and shows messagebox when anyone calls you on Skype is here: link

    Thank you.