
How to enable cancel button with UISearchBar?

In the contacts app on the iPhone if you enter a search term, then tap the "Search" button, the keyboard is hidden, BUT the cancel button is still enabled. In my app the cancel button gets disabled when I call resignFirstResponder.

Anyone know how to hide the keyboard while maintaining the cancel button in an enabled state?

I use the following code:

- (void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar
    [searchBar resignFirstResponder];

The keyboard slides out of view, but the "Cancel" button to the right of the search text field is disabled, so that I cannot cancel the search. The contacts app maintains the cancel button in an enabled state.

I think maybe one solution is to dive into the searchBar object and call resignFirstResponder on the actual text field, rather than the search bar itself.

Any input appreciated.


  • try this

    for(id subview in [yourSearchBar subviews])
        if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
            [subview setEnabled:YES];