I retrieve a list of ObjectId and I want to retrieve all object in my mongo database using the parameter $all
I'm using pymongo and my request look like this :
db.database.collection.find({ "_id" : { "$all" : [ObjectId('4ee371837c93dd33dc000003'),ObjectId('4eef9f647c93dd1a90000000')] } })
but the cursor count returned by the request is 0 but when I do this request:
db.database.collection.find_one({ "_id" : ObjectId('4ee371837c93dd33dc000003')})
It returns me the good object
Anyone know why it does not work?
That query does not make sense. You are asking for the unique and single-valued _id
field to have all of two distinct values at the same time.
I think you want $in
db.database.collection.find({ "_id" : {
"$in" :
ObjectId('4eef9f647c93dd1a90000000')] } })