
Is there any difference between integer and bit(n) data types for a bitmask?

I am working with a table in a PostgreSQL database that has several boolean columns that determine some state (e.g. published, visible, etc.). I want to make a single status column that will store all these values as well as possible new ones in a form of a bitmask. Is there any difference between integer and bit(n) in this case?

This is going to be a rather big table, because it stores objects that users create via a web-interface. So I think I will have to use (partial) indexes for this column.


  • If you only have a few variables I would consider keeping separate boolean columns.

    If you have more than a hand full variables but no more than 32, an integer column may serve best. (Or a bigint for up to 64 variables.)

    With even more variables, or if you want to manipulate the values a lot, or if you don't have huge tables or disk space / RAM is not an issue, or if you are not sure what to pick, I would consider bit(n) or bit varying(n) (short: varbit(n).

    For just 3 bits of information, individual boolean columns get by with 3 bytes, an integer needs 4 bytes (maybe additional alignment padding) and a bit string 6 bytes (5 + 1).

    For 32 bits of information, an integer still needs 4 bytes (+ padding), a bit string occupies 9 bytes for the same (5 + 4) and boolean columns occupy 32 bytes.

    To optimize disk space further you need to understand the storage mechanisms of PostgreSQL, especially data alignment. More in this related answer.

    This answer on how to transform the types boolean, bit(n) and integer may be of help, too.