I have code that looks like this, written using my steroidal wrapping of VBScript using MSScript.
a = files.collectfiles( "c:\userver", "" )
for i = 0 to ubound( a )
f = a(i)
if strings.endswith( f, ".usv" ) then
d = files.readfilee( f )
on error resume next
executeglobal d
nErr = err.number
sErr = err.description
on error goto 0
if nErr <> 0 then
trace "*** Error " & nErr & ", " & sErr
end if
files.deletefile f
end if
system.sleep 10
There's a lot of disk activity with that call to files.collectfiles. Is there some way of detecting a change in the contents of a folder without actually scanning the folder for files?
Define "change in the contents of a folder".
If it means that a file was added, deleted, or renamed, then the modified timestamp of the folder is updated whenever such an event occurs.
If you're instead wanting to know when files are modified, then you'll need to read them.
That said, looking at what you're trying to do (scan a folder for new .usv files, and process them and delete them), then just keeping track of the timestamp on the folder and updating it right before you call collectfiles is best (note that the correct time to log is just BEFORE calling collectfiles, otherwise you run the risk of not waking up if a file gets added during the collectfiles call or immediately afterward).