I'm trying to convert the following script to Ruby using rb-appscript:
-- Runs the keyboard shortcut for the provided application name.
-- applicationName - The name of the application to run the keyboard shortcut on.
-- key - The key to press. For example, this could be "n" or "q".
-- modifiersList - A list of modifiers for the keyboard shortcut. This could be something like
-- { command down } or { command down, shift down, option down }.
on runKeyboardShortcut(applicationName, key, modifiersList)
tell application applicationName to activate
tell application "System Events"
keystroke key using modifiersList
end tell
end runKeyboardShortcut
Here's what I have so far:
def run_keyboard_shortcut(application_name, key, modifiers_list)
Appscript.app.by_name("System Events").keystroke(key)
How do I add the modifiers to the keystroke command?
The solution is to do this:
def run_keyboard_shortcut(application_name, key, modifiers)
Appscript.app.by_name("System Events").keystroke(key, :using => modifiers)
run_keyboard_shortcut("Finder", "n", [ :command_down ])