
Populate Cc field using AppleScript

Following syntax generates email message in apple mail addressed "To" a recipient. Requesting guidance on how to populate the Cc field with 3 additional email addresses. Thanks.

tell application "Mail"
set theNewMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, subject:"Update", content:"Hi, Tom. 

All set:
… on the server.



tell theNewMessage
    make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:”"}
end tell
   end tell


  • It took me a while. I have this worked out. I define the sender. I also define the main recipient + 3 cc recipients.

    set the_subject to "Update"
    set the_body to "Hi, Luciano. 
    All set:
    … on the server.
    tell application "Mail"
    set new_message to make new outgoing message ¬
        with properties {sender:"MyName  <>", 
    subject:the_subject, content:the_body, visible:true}
    tell new_message
        -- Add the recipients:
        make new to recipient ¬
            at end of to recipients ¬
            with properties {address:""}
        make new cc recipient ¬
            at end of cc recipients ¬
            with properties {address:""}
        make new cc recipient ¬
            at end of cc recipients ¬
            with properties {address:""}
        make new cc recipient ¬
            at end of cc recipients ¬
            with properties {address:""}
        end tell
        end tell