
AVURLAsset getting video size

This is pretty frustrating. I'm trying to get the size of an AVURLasset, but try to avoid naturalSize since Xcode tells me, this is deprecated in iOS5.

But: What's the replacement?

I can't find any clue on how to get the video-dimensions without using «naturalsize»...


  • I just checked the documentation online, and the naturalSize method is deprecated for the AVAsset object. However, there should always be an AVAssetTrack which refers to the AVAsset, and the AVAssetTrack has a naturalSize method that you can call.


    The natural dimensions of the media data referenced by the track. (read-only)

    @property(nonatomic, readonly) CGSize naturalSize


    Available in iOS 4.0 and later. Declared In AVAssetTrack.h

    Via: AVAssetTrack Reference for iOS