I'm trying to scrape the following website, since the XML is malformed and does not contain all of the data I need:
When I fetch the document with Mechanize, however, I only get:
{title "Collins | Claremont McKenna Cafés | Café Bon Appétit"}
#<Mechanize::Page::Link "Welcome" "http://www.cafebonappetit.com/">
#<Mechanize::Page::Link "Our Approach" "javascript://">
"Kitchen Principles"
Unfortunately, I obviously need to get at what is in the tables (I guess they are iFrames). Any thoughts?
Here's a simple mech + Nokogiri script that scrapes the menu items.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'pp'
agent = Mechanize.new
url = "http://www.cafebonappetit.com/menu/your-cafe/pitzer"
page = agent.get(url)
#Grab each daily menu
page.search('div#menu-items > table.my-day-menu-table').each do |menu|
day = menu.xpath('preceding-sibling::div[1]/a').text.strip
puts day
fare = []
#Collect the menu items
menu.xpath('tr').each do |item|
fare << item.xpath('td/strong').map(&:text).join(": ")
pp fare
Result (excerpt):
Sunday, May 6th, 2012
"chef's table: custom omelet bar",
"main plate: chicken sanchez",
"meatless chicken and sauce",
"options: banana pancakes",
"stocks: beed barley",
"vegetable minestrone",
"main plate: steamed broccoli",
"chef's table: pasta bar",
"farm to fork: sauteed rainbow chard",
"options: mozzarella sticks",
"ovens: pizza bar",
"main plate: roasted herb chicken",
"baked ziti pasta",
"steamed carrots and parsnips"]