
about xx-sw600dp of andorid4.0

In android 4.0 resource there are new drawable ,layout ,value folder for example drawable-sw600dp,layout-sw600dp,value-sw600dp. I want to know what the affect about them. I am also to know the phone how to call the many layout 2.x phone first match 320240_layout ,if no this ,then other hdpi phone called layout. But I found at4.x if have 320240_layout,other hdpi phone not use layout folder also use 320*240,am I right?

enter image description here

second image

You see the two pics, they are the luncher4.0.1,first launcher only modify the package of launcher not modify any code. The second pic is default launcher2. I don't know why can difference, they run at the same phone Samsung galaxy one, and the code are the same. First I think the problem is resolution cause, but I think it not. Can you tell me why show the result? thank you


  • I have solved the problem. In the source code, I deleted layout.createHardwareLayer();. Now the effect looks like the second pic.