I want do query on model, and next depend on resaults do someting else
The problem:
exists = false
App.User.where(email: "example@domain.com").exists (error, exists) =>
console.log exists #=> true
console.log exists #=> false
Example why I want this:
class App.User extends Tower.Model
newUser: ->
exists = false
App.User.where(email: "some@email.com").exists (error, exists) =>
unless exists # here is always: exists = false
email: "some@email.com" # so user is created
I also tried something like this:
class App.User extends Tower.Model
newUser: ->
@.where(email: "some@email.com").exists (error, exists) =>
unless exists # statement works
@.create # but I can't create an user
email: "some@email.com"
App.User.create # also doesn't work
email: "some@email.com"
user = new App.User # this also fails
user.set "email", "some@email.com"
Queries to the database are asynchronous, which means any code you need to run after the data comes back have to be inside the callback. So in your first example, that unless exists
is actually going to run before the database query completes. I think if you indent it and the code that comes after it by two spaces, that will place it inside the callback and it will run as intended.
class App.User extends Tower.Model
newUser: ->
exists = false
App.User.where(email: "some@email.com").exists (error, exists) =>
unless exists
email: "some@email.com"
If the uniqueness validation was working correctly, you could get the same result more easily by just placing a uniqueness validation on your model. So in your model you would have something like:
class App.User extends Tower.Model
@field "email", type: "String"
@field "firstName", type: "String"
@field "lastName", type: "String"
@hasMany "posts"
@validates 'email', uniqueness: true
Unfortunately, based on some recent experiments, there's a small bug in uniqueness
causing it to fail. I posted the bug on tower's issues list and I'm also looking into it myself, so hopefully it will be working properly soon.
Hope this helps.
Edit: Thought I would mention, I'm not entirely sure why the second example fails, since it looks a lot like my suggestion, unless either I'm wrong or the context (the value of @) is changing because of using @ in the database query instead of App.User.