I want to add a local project to the known projects by asdf, but due to the fact that asdf was installed and configured by quicklisp and the *central-registry*
points to "#P/home/user/quicklisp/quicklisp/", which contains .lisp files. I do not know how to do it as the manual explains that a symbolic link into the directory would do it, but I do not want to mess around inside quicklisp. (It does work as a hotfix, though!)
Therefore:How to add a local project to asdf (NOT QUICKLISP) which was installed and configured by quicklisp?
If you use Quicklisp you can use the dedicated directory
which is scanned before the others
directories. To use it, just put your project or a symbolic link.
(quickproject:make-project "~/quicklisp/local-projects/my-new-website/"
:depends-on '(restas parenscrit cl-who))
(quickproject:make-project "~/src/lisp/my-cool-gui/"
:depends-on '(qt))
$ ln -s ~/src/lisp/my-cool-gui ~/quicklisp/local-projects/my-cool-gui
However, if you really want to configure ASDF
do as explained in the
documentation .
For example you can put this:
(:directory "~/src/lisp/my-project-XYZ/")
in your ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d/my-asdf.conf
add a directory, or
(:tree "~/src/lisp/")
if you want all the subdirectories to be scanned.