The output of the following function is suppressed:
(defun foo ()
So in the REPL this happens of course:
CL-USER> (foo)
; No value
I don't get the idea how to test that a function literally returns nothing, not even NIL
But: Is there a way to do so?
Since I am working on a Common Lisp implementation of Berkeley Logo, I would like to reproduce the behaviour of distinguishing commands which are procedures only for side-effects and operations, procedures for return values.
Maybe I am on the wrong track.
If you enter a Logo instruction such as:
add 2 3 ; or also 2+3
Logo would answer
I don't know what to do with 5.
to make you complete the instruction to
print add 2 3
for instance.
Probably I need to test whether there is a value waiting to be passed on in the chain.
But somehow I think, the behaviour of Common Lisp will get in my way somehow.
Would this indicate some sort of wrapping of the form that results from parsing a Logo string (i.e. a string that contains a Logo instruction here). I think, the listener of Logo might be called a RE-PL where the hyphen stands for this didactical interruption of the loop. Maybe this is something for the condition system? But then I arrive at the question again, what to test.
CL-USER 10 > (multiple-value-call (lambda (&rest args)
(null args))
(values 1 2))
CL-USER 11 > (multiple-value-call (lambda (&rest args)
(null args))
Above is the magic behind the following: MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST
returns the multiple values of its argument as a list of values.
CL-USER 21 > (multiple-value-list (values 1 2 3))
(1 2 3)
CL-USER 22 > (multiple-value-list (values))
This one can then also test for being the empty list or not.