I'm a little stumped on how I should go about doing something.
I have a FlexDataGrid with a bunch of columns. One of the columns has an ItemRenderer for it. I want all the cells in this column to listen for an event. The event I want the to listen for is when someone begins editing a cell in the same row that the ItemRenderered cell is in.
So I have this code in my ItemRenderer which gets applied to each cell in the column:
this.addEventListener(FlexDataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING, showPopUp);
When showPopUp is called, a button will appear under this ItemRenderer.
The problem is, I don't know how I can make that eventListener work. How can I make this item renderer know when an ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING event is happening in a different cell?
I'm completely stumped.
Your item renderer is actually a different component, so if you are dispatching them with the this keyword, they are not being seen by the other cells / item renderers.
Probably a bit more involved than you were expecting, but this is how you'd accomplish something like that
1) You will want to create a custom event that you can pass the row number with. Something like this will work:
import flash.events.Event;
public class EditRowEvent extends Event
public function EditRowEvent(type:String, rowEditingIn:Number, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
rowEditing = rowEditingIn;
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
public var rowEditing : Number;
2) you need to dispatch when editing it to something all the item renders can see. Something like the parent grid:
DataGrid(this.parentDocument).dispatchEvent( new EditRowEvent( 'beginEdit', this_renderers_row ) );
3) You need to listen for this event on the parent as well (do this when the item renderer is initialized) :
protected function onCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent=null):void
DataGrid(this.parentDocument).addEventListener( 'beginEdit' , handleEditOnRow );
4) handle what you want to happen when that editing starts on the row of that particular item renderer
public function handleEditOnRow ( event : EditRowEvent ) : void {
if( this_renderers_row == event.rowEditing ){
// code to execute when someone starts editing this row!