var role=s[0].Role;// role contains string value
function getRoleByName(role)
var roleVal;
case 'Basic User' :roleVal='1';break;
case 'Network Operator' :roleVal='3';break;
case 'System Administrator' :roleVal='5';break;
case 'Custom Level 1' :roleVal='11';break;
case 'Custom Level 2' : roleVal='12';break;
default: roleVal='1';break;
return roleVal;
When I tried to call the Javascript method which has the switch statement in it I am getting below error in IE8, but in Firefox is working fine..
Error in Developers tools:
method Error executing: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Handler when the user activates the button portion.
if(this._onClick(e) === false){ // returning nothing is same as true
e.preventDefault(); // needed for checkbox
} else if (this.type == "submit" && !this.focusNode.form){ // see if a nonform widget needs to be signalled
for(var node=this.domNode; node.parentNode/*#5935*/; node=node.parentNode){
var widget=dijit.byNode(node);
if(widget && typeof widget._onSubmit == "function"){
}TypeError: Object doesn't support this property or method
Can anyone help me with this? to overcome this problem?...
Error youre showing is not related to the below code. As the dojotoolkit-src commenting kindly shows you is, that it has to do with the function 'Handler when the user activates the button portion.'
Should fix this
// << Value is all lower case
And a little cleaner coded switch with a 'WTF' - im thinking it might be the syntax highlighting youre experimenting with here - or are those tildes really in your code?
// What are these back-tilds doing here?
case 'Basic User' : return 1
case 'Network Operator' : return 3
case 'System Administrator' : return 5
case 'Custom Level 1' : return 11
case 'Custom Level 2' : return 12
return 1
// return works as your break does, it stops the switch
Saying your hitting problem during a trim? Try this, trim is not implemented in all javascript engines
if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');