
How do I create a virtual gamepad?

How would I go about creating a "gamepad" which appears to DirectInput applications as a normal game controller but the state of its controls is actually defined by software?


  • Write a device driver to pretend to be one.

    Specifically, Windows device drivers handle what are called Interrupt Requests via the Interrupt Request Protocol - which boils down to a wrapped up structure and a set of buffers internally in the driver.

    Now the next thing you need to know is that many drivers are actually layered, or stacked, or whichever name you want to use. So for example to write a disk driver, you might interface with the driver above it (as a disk class) but use a driver below it (scsi port, for example) to actually send commands to your devices.

    That's how real devices work. Fake devices need to conform to the top level interface requirements, e.g. a disk, or a controller, or a mouse, or whatever it is. However, underneath they can do anything they like - return whatever values they like.

    This opens up the possibility of controlling a driver via a user-mode application and pretending to "be" a device. To send a driver messages, you can DeviceIoControl to it; then to actually get those messages you can either:

    Drivers can also access \\Registry\\Machine and various other, non-user-specific non-explorer registry areas, so it is possible to communicate that way.

    Finally, there's no saying you can't filter existing IO, rather than make it all up via a new device. There are a great many options and ways you can go about doing this.

    If you're going to do this, you'll need:

    Edit: I'm not massively knowledgeable on DirectInput - there may be a way to override the various API controls in use via DLL redirection and the like, which may be simpler than the way I've described.