I need to translate structured exceptions manually, using the current translator.
How do I 'get' the value someone has set by _set_se_translator
I didn't realize this at first, but the SE translator is thread-local, not process-wide.
So this is actually the best (and easiest) solution:
_se_translator_function _get_se_translator(void) {
_se_translator_function translator = _set_se_translator(NULL); // temporary
_set_se_translator(translator); // Restore the old value
return translator;
There is no direct way to do this, but if you're going to risk some incompatibility and delve into the Visual C runtime's internals, you can hack up a solution like this:
_se_translator_function __cdecl _get_se_translator(void) {
unsigned char const *p = (unsigned char const *)(&__uncaught_exception);
struct _tiddata {
unsigned long _tid;
void *_thandle;
int _terrno; unsigned long _tdoserrno;
unsigned int _fpds;
unsigned long _holdrand;
char *_token; wchar_t *_wtoken;
unsigned char *_mtoken;
char *_errmsg; wchar_t *_werrmsg;
char *_namebuf0; wchar_t *_wnamebuf0;
char *_namebuf1; wchar_t *_wnamebuf1;
char *_asctimebuf; wchar_t *_wasctimebuf;
void *_gmtimebuf;
char *_cvtbuf;
unsigned char _con_ch_buf[5];
unsigned short _ch_buf_used;
void *_initaddr; void *_initarg;
void *_pxcptacttab;
void *_tpxcptinfoptrs;
int _tfpecode;
void *ptmbcinfo; void *ptlocinfo;
int _ownlocale;
unsigned long _NLG_dwCode;
void *_terminate; void *_unexpected;
_se_translator_function _translator;
if (p[0] == 0x48) /* sub RSP, 0x28 */ { p += 4; } // x64 only
if (p[0] == 0xE8) /* call _getpid */ { ++p; } // must be true
void const *_getptd = p + *(long *)p + sizeof(long);
return ((struct _tiddata *(__cdecl *)(void))_getptd)()->_translator;