
How to disable root login on Virtualmin

I’m using a vanilla Webmin / Virtualmin 3.93 GPL version on Centos 6. I’ve created a new user that has full privileges on Webmin, so now I want to disallow root from logging in, as obviously it could be a security issue.

Does anyone know how to do this? There must be an option for this somewhere but maybe I can’t see the wood for the trees.

I’ve disabled root SSH login manually, but I still can login to Webmin using the root account.


  • Thanks to @Charles for the pointers.

    To remove the root user from Webmin, log in as a user with administrator privileges and click on Webmin -> Webmin Users. In the list of users, either delete or remove all privileges from the root user.

    After removing that user I could log in as my new administrator user and administer the server but not log in as root.

    Problem solved, security through obscurity but still better than nothing.