
Error using Flixel and photonstorm - I'm using Flash Professional not Flash Builder or similar

I downloaded flixel and photonstorm in order to their perfect collision stuff (FlxCollision); in my root folder I have the flixel org folder and inside org/plugin I extracted photostorm as instructed at their site; I'm importing it here:

import org.flixel.*;
import org.flixel.plugin.photonstorm.*;

The problem is that when I call the function that will detect the collision (if statement to be precise) I get this error:

if (FlxCollision.pixelPerfectCheck (ball, goalkeeper)){
      ball.y=portero.x-ball.height- ball.width;
     trace ("Tomela");


Scene 1, Layer 'action', Frame 1, Line 72   1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:MovieClip to an unrelated type org.flixel:FlxSprite.

I'll really appreciate if you guide me a little bit, I'm using Flash Professional CS5.


  • FlxCollision.pixelPerfectCheck takes FlxSprite objects as parameters. You are passing in MovieClips as your arguments (either one or both), hence the error.

    Either change your objects to be FlxSprites or use a pixel perfect collision library that works on MovieClips.