
How can I iterate through QListWidget items and work with each item?

In CSharp it's as simple as writing:


foreach (string item in listBox1.Items )

and I can easily add different objects to a list box and then retrieve them using foreach.

I tried the same approach in Qt 4.8.2 but it seems they are different. Though they look very similar at the first. I found that Qt supports foreach so I went on and tried something like:

foreach(QListWidgetItem& item,ui->listWidget->items())

which failed clearly. It says the items() needs a parameter which confuses me. I am trying to iterate through the ListBox itself, so what does this mean? I tried passing the ListBox object as the parameter itself this again failed too:

foreach(QListWidgetItem& item,ui->listWidget->items(ui->listWidget))

So here are my questions:

(Suppose I want to use a QMessageBox instead of that setTextColor and want to print out all string items in the QlistWidget.)


  • I don't think the items function does what you think it does. It sounds like it's for decoding MIME data, not getting a list of all the items in the widget.

    I don't actually see any function to do exactly what you want, sadly. You could probably use findItems as a workaround, but that seems ugly, if not downright abusive... At least you can still use the item function with good old for loops - they're not that much more typing:

    for(int i = 0; i < listWidget->count(); ++i)
        QListWidgetItem* item = listWidget->item(i);
        //Do stuff!

    Hope that helps!