I have the next scheme:
class UserProfile {
String title
String firstName
String lastName
static belongsTo = [user:User]
static constraints = {
user nullable:true , unique:true
title nullable:true, blank:true
firstName blank:false
lastName nullable:true, blank:true
class User {
String username
String password
boolean enabled
String email
static constraints = {
username size:6..40, blank:false, nullable: false, unique: true
email email:true, size:6..40, blank:false, nullable: false, unique: true
password size:5..64, password:true, blank:false, nullable: false
String toString(){username}
I need a list of UserProfile
ordered by the email that has the user!
I try:
//the exception says that the element has no such property to both cases
order("user.email", ascDesc)
//order("email", ascDesc)
order("${params.orderBy}", ascDesc)
so when I want to order by the email the exception says that the element has no such property to both cases. Note: ascDesc
is a variable String
it can be asc
or desc
If you add
createAlias('user', 'u')
to the top of your criteria closure then you should be able to order by 'u.email'