
How to do this length≤1 more than once?

I've spent a day reading page 166's length≤1 in the book The Little Schemer; there's the following code:

(((lambda (mk-length)
    (mk-length mk-length))
  (lambda (mk-length)
   (lambda (l)
      ((null? l) 0)
      (else (add1 
           ((mk-length eternity)
            (cdr l))))))))

where l is (apples) and eternity is as follows:

(define eternity 
  (lambda (x)
    (eternity x)))

Page 166 (4th ed.) states that:

When we apply mk-length once, we get length≤1

And then

Could we do this more than once?

But I do not know how to do this for getting length≤2?


  • Suppose l is (apples oranges), then it will evaluate like this (note that mk-length is bound to the the (lambda (mk-length) ...) function itself:

    (cond ((null? l) 0) 
          (else (add1 ((mk-length eternity) (cdr l)))))
    (add1 ((mk-length eternity) '(oranges)))
    (add1 ((lambda (l) (cond ((null? l) 0
                              (else (add1 ((eternity eternity) (cdr l))))))))
    (add1 (add1 ((eternity eternity) '())))

    So here, after two steps, eternity ends up being applied, but what we want is for it to call mk-length. So in the original function, if we replace eternity by mk-length, then the last step I wrote will contain (mk-length mk-length) instead of (eternity eternity), allowing the computation to proceed.