I am redirecting rows from a flat file source to a flat file destination. The default metadata in the redirected rows are:
What I get in the output flat file is the source row (nice) and the error code (not nice, ex. -1071628249) and the error column (not nice since it's the internal ID of the column).
How can I transform the rows to output the error message (e.g. "The data was truncated.") and the column name as defined in the flat file source?
In other words, instead of ...,-1071607675,10
I'd like to see:
...,The data was truncated,Firstname
or alternatively (if the previous is not possible);
Part of the question (adding the error description) can be achieved with a script component. This is described in Enhancing an Error Output with the Script Component.
It seems that the Dougbert blog has a solution to adding the column name, but it's far from simple. I'm amazed this is so difficult to do in SSIS; you'd think it was a basic need to know the name of the source and column.