
Does SDL SmartTarget = SDL Fredhopper?

Not directly an implementation question but hopefully someone can offer a few pointers.

I wanted to ask if by integrating SDL SmartTarget into Tridion you are effectively getting SDL Fredhopper as well?

Do you still get Fredhopper Business Manager etc?

Could you feed more traditional product data straight into Fredhopper, outside of Tridion then build a site with personalisation/targeting via SmartTarget mixed with a product catalogue driven by Fredhopper and all the cross-sell/up-sell/recommendations it can do?



  • Yes, SDL SmartTarget includes SDL Fredhopper, and you can indeed add data to it via the Data Manager.

    The main differences between both offerings is obviously the connector and Ambient Data Framework support for ST queries, a set of Java Taglibs/.NET controls you can use to communicate with Fredhopper and a few other things like session preview support for FH queries (ability to change the variables on-the-fly for testing).
