
Fetch a component by its tcm id using the core services

I need to fetch a component based on its tcm id using the core services. Please help me which function of core service I can use along with some sample code if possible as well.

Thanks in advance!!


  • Check the section in the documentation, which you can find here

    A basic sample (out of my head, untested ;) ):

    ComponentData component = (ComponentData)client.Read(yourComponentId, new ReadOptions());
    string title = component.Title;
    XElement content = XElement.Parse(component.Content);

    The Read method will get you an IdentifiableObjectData object, which you can cast to the needed type if you're sure about what you're supposed to be getting back. The ReadOptions object will instruct the CoreService how to load the item, for instance, with all Keyword URI's loaded as well using LoadFlags.KeywordXlinks