Using the QTKit
framework, I'm developing a little app.
In the app, I'm trying to append a movie after a other movie, which in essence is already working (most of the time), but I'm having a little trouble with the appended movie. The movie is which I'm appending to is quite big, like 1920x1080, and the appended movie is usually much smaller, but I never know what size it exactly is. The appended movie sort of stays its own size in the previous 1920x1080 frame, as seen here:
Is there anyone familiar with this? Is there a way I can scale the movie which I need to append to, to the size of the appended movie? There is no reference of such a thing in the documentation.
This is are some relevant methods: `QTMovie *segmentTwo = [QTMovie movieWithURL:finishedMovie error:nil]; QTTimeRange range = { .time = QTZeroTime, .duration = [segmentTwo duration] };
[segmentTwo setSelection:range];
[leader appendSelectionFromMovie:segmentTwo];
while([[leader attributeForKey:QTMovieLoadStateAttribute] longValue] != 100000L)
//wait until QTMovieLoadStateComplete
NSDictionary *exportAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], QTMovieExport,
[NSNumber numberWithLong:kQTFileTypeMovie], QTMovieExportType, nil];
NSString *outputFile = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", onderwerp];
NSString *filepath = [[@"~/Desktop" stringByExpandingTildeInPath] stringByAppendingFormat:@"/%@", outputFile];
BOOL succes = [leader writeToFile:filepath withAttributes:exportAttributes error:&theError];
Leader is initialized like this:
NSDictionary *movieAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:path, QTMovieFileNameAttribute, [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], QTMovieEditableAttribute, nil];
leader = [QTMovie movieWithAttributes: movieAttributes error:&error];
This contained all the information I need, although without using the QTKit framework. QTKit - Merge two videos with different width and height?