I would like to truncate my file path to ex: a/a/j/c/popularCategories.js
There are two options.
Try this option:
let g:Powerline_stl_path_style = 'short'
From the powerline docs:
short Display a short path. The home directory is substituted with "~", the first directory is displayed with its full name, and subsequent directories are shortened to their first letter. I.e. "/home/user/foo/bar/baz.vim" becomes "~/f/b/baz.vim" and "long/relative/path/foo/bar/baz.vim becomes "long/r/p/f/b/baz.vim".
Or, if you want the path truncated like Vim's default statusline, then you can create a theme that moves the truncation point. Try my sanity theme and see if it works better for you.