Doing a small example, I want to insert a symbol within a list at a certain pozition
element = symbol
list = element*
position = integer
insert (element, position, list, list) %(input,input,input,output)
insert (E,_,[],[E]).
insert (E, 1,[H|T],[E|[H|T]]). %(I insert E on the "first" position)
% I get errors how E and T are not bound. I have no idea how to make them bound
insert (E,P,[H|T],[H1|T1]) :-
P > 1,
P1 = P - 1,
insert (E,P1,T,T1).
It doesn't work ... but I don't know why. Well it kinda works. I would like it to show me outputList = [NEW_LIST]
instead of showing every symbolName=_
and then outputList = [_,_,_,_]
Apparently there is some problem with symbol data type, if I use integer, it fixes itself.
Also, this is esential:
element = integer
list = element*
position = integer
insert (element, position, list, list) %(input,input,input,output)
insert (E,_,[],[E]).
insert (E, 1,[H|T],[E|[H|T]]).
insert (E,P,[H|T],[H|T1]) :- % has to be "H" (or anything else) in both
P > 1, % so prolog understands what we are trying to do
P1 = P - 1, % don't really understand why though
insert (E,P1,T,T1). % I might be wrong