I am trying to make images with Graphviz that will illustrate some process that involves adding a few edges to an existing graph. It is crucial that the vertices and edges of the base graph remain in place.
I've tried to add my new edges with [constraint=false] but keep getting different layouts for the base and the new graph, wherever I add more than one edge. Another method I tried with little to show for it was running dot for the graph with all the extra edges and then manually removing the extra lines - still no dice.
The graph I am trying to draw is this:
graph G{
node [weight=.2,height=.1];
edge [len=2.1];
3--2 [constraint=false];
4--1 [constraint=false];
5--3 [constraint=false];
6--1 ;
6--2 ;
6--3 ;
6--4 ;
6--5 ;
7--1 ;
7--2 ;
7--3 ;
7--4 ;
7--5 ;
8--1 ;
8--2 ;
8--3 ;
8--4 ;
8--5 ;
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I think you can try with :
3--2 [style="invis"];
4--1 [style="invis"];
5--3 [style="invis"];
and then :
3--2 [style="bold"];
4--1 [style="bold"];
5--3 [style="bold"];
to show - and emphasis - the new edges.
The nodes and edges that are invis
are not shown but still used to compute the layout.