
how to send a custom urls on facebook using multifriendselector

i have this code

<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>

<input type="button"
  onclick="sendRequestViaMultiFriendSelector(); return false;"
  value="Send Request to Many Users with MFS"

    appId  : '308928229202619',
    frictionlessRequests: true

  function sendRequestViaMultiFriendSelector() {
    FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
      message: 'Invite user to play and you will get a chance to win.'
    }, requestCallback);

  function requestCallback(response) {
      alert("this is the response");
    // Handle callback here

i want that on facebook this url will be send out when user send request e.g

  http://www.abc.com/send_invite_by.php?code=abc OR

Depend on auto generated id

and it will return on this URL

 return_url http://www.abc.com/recieved_invite.php?code=zyx

what i want that i want to know who send the invitation on this behaf i have to give user points on the invitation accepted.

Please help out.


  • what i want that i want to know who send the invitation

    You will get that info when you look up the request_id (which is passed to you when a user accepts a request) via the API – it has a from field that contains sender’s name and id.

    See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/requests/#request_format for details.