I have doubles that represent latitudes and longitudes.
I can easily limit longitudes to (-180.0, 180.0] with the following function.
double limitLon(double lon)
return fmod(lon - 180.0, 360.0) + 180.0;
This works because one end is exclusive and the other is inclusive. fmod includes 0 but not -360.0.
Can anyone think of an elegant method for latitude?
The required interval is [-90.0, 90.0]. A closed form solution would be best, i.e. no loop. I think fmod() is probably a non-starter because both ends are inclusive now.
Edit: As was pointed out, one can't go to 91 degrees latitude anyway. Technically 91 should map to 89.0. Oh boy, that changes things.
How about using the sin
and inverse functions?
asin(sin((lat/180.0)*3.14159265)) * (180.0/3.14159265);