
A conflict exists with definition _bounces in namespace internal Error

hi, I am trying to create a game on Flash CS3 Action Script and keep getting error on line 13-15 saying that A conflict exists with definition _bounces in namespace internal, A conflict exists with definition _highscore in namespace internal, and A conflict exists with definition _ball in namespace internal??? and help please

    import flash.display.MovieClip
    import flash.text.TextField

    public class DocumentMain extends MovieClip
        public const Gravity:Number = 2;
        public const Bounce_Factor:Number = 0.8;

        public var _bounces:TextField;
        public var _highscore:TextField;
        public var _ball:Ball;

        public var _vx:Number;
        public var _vy:Number;

        public function DocumentMain():void
            _vx = 0;
            _vy = 0;
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
            addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);

        private function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void
            //gravitate the ball
            _vy += Gravity;
            //move the ball
            _ball.x += _vx;
            _ball.y += _vy;
            //check stage boundaries for collision
        private function mouseDownHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
            //Hit the ball if it has been clicked

        private function checkBoundaryCollision():void
            var left:Number;
            var right:Number;
            var bottom:Number;
            var Top:Number;
            left = _ball.x -(_ball.width / 2);
            right = _ball.x +(_ball.width / 2);
            bottom = _ball.y +(_ball.height / 2);
            top = _ball.y + (_ball.height / 2);

            if (left < 0 && _vx < 0)
                _ball.x = _ball.width/2;
                _vx *= -1;
            else if (right > stage.stageWidth && _vx > 0)
                _ball.x = stage.stageWidth -(_ball.width /2);
                _vx *= -1;
            if (top < 0 && _vy < 0)
                _ball.y = _ball.height / 2;
                _vy *= -1;
            else if (bottom > stage.stageHeight && _vy > 0)
                _ball.y =stage.stageHeight -(_ball.height / 2);
                _vy *=Bounce_Factor;



  • Go to "Advanced ActionScript 3.0 Settings" - I'm using CS5.5 and don't have CS3 (but it should be same) via File -> Publish Settings -> ActionScript Settings and there uncheck the "Automatically declare stage instances" (this is default setting)

    or do not define them in the class.

    Detailed description of Error 1151 and resolution