
How can we prove by induction that binary search is correct?

I'm having a hard time understanding how induction, coupled with some invariant, can be used to prove the correctness of algorithms. Namely, how is the invariant found, and when is the inductive hypothesis used- particularly for binary search? I haven't been able to find an intuitive response yet, so I was hoping someone could shed some light on the topic here.


  • Let's assume that binary search is defined like this:

    def binary_search(a,b,e,x):
      n = e-b
      if n==0: return None
      m = b + int(n/2)
      if x<a[m]: return binary_search(a,b,m,x)
      if x>a[m]: return binary_search(a,m+1,e,x)
      return m


    The goal of the function is to return i where a[i]==x if there is such a value of i, otherwise return None.

    binary_search works for a range of size zero:

    Assuming binary_search works for a range of elements of any size from 0 to n, then binary search works for a range of elements of size n+1.