
Adding a property to a manytomany join in Transfer ORM (Coldfusion)

I am using transfer and I have a ManyToMany relationship between articles and videos. What I need to be able to do is to stick a timestamp against each video when it is added to an article. i.e. I have two tables:

I then have a linked table:

I need to add in an extra column timeStamp to article_videos:

The problem I have is that when I try and create an extra property in the link table it does not work.

My Transfer ORM configuration:

<package name="article">
    <object name="Article" table="article">
        <id name="ID" type="numeric"/>
        <property name="Title" type="string" column="title"/>
        <property name="Body" type="string" column="body"/>

        <manytomany name="Videos" table="article_videos">
            <link to="article.Atricle" column="articleID"/>
            <link to="assets.Video" column="videoID"/>
            <collection type="array">
                <order property="OrderIndex" order="asc"/>
            <property name="TimeStamp" type="timestamp" column="timeStamp"/>

<package name="assets">
    <object name="Video" table="video">
        <id name="ID" type="numeric"/>
        <property name="url" type="string" column="url"/>

The problem is that the new property inside the ManyToMany is not allowed, it throws an error saying that the Transfer configuration is malformed.

Where and how should I add the timestamp baring in mind that the timestamp needs to be for that video in that article as the video may be used in multiple articles?

Thanks in advance.


  • What you will likely have to do is create a new object for your article_videos join.

    Because Transfer ORM handles many-to-many joins transparently so you don't directly interact with the join table if you wanted to add and access additional properties on the join you will need to create a new object. There are a couple of ways to achieve this.

    If you still wanted to handle the many-to-many relationship transparently and the timestamp will be automatically populated by the database you can keep the relationship as is and add a new object representing article_videos and a new relationship joining that object to both article and video objects.

    So you would add a new object representing the article_videos, I might also add a surrogate key to the database or you might want to use a composite ID:

    <object name="ArticleVideo" table="article_videos">
      <id name="ID" type="numeric"/>
      <property name="TimeStamp" type="timestamp" column="timeStamp"/>

    Then you would update your Article object to reference this new object:

    <object name="Article" table="article">
      <id name="ID" type="numeric"/>
      <property name="Title" type="string" column="title"/>
      <property name="Body" type="string" column="body"/>
      <manytomany name="Videos" table="article_videos">
        <link to="article.Article" column="articleID"/>
        <link to="assets.Video" column="videoID"/>
        <collection type="array">
          <order property="OrderIndex" order="asc"/>
      <onetomany name="ArticleVideo">
        <link to="article.ArticleVideo" column="articleID"/>
        <collection type="array">
          <order property="TimeStamp" order="asc"/>

    And you would also update your Video object:

    <object name="Video" table="video">
      <id name="ID" type="numeric"/>
      <property name="url" type="string" column="url"/>
      <onetomany name="ArticleVideo">
        <link to="article.ArticleVideo" column="videoID"/>
        <collection type="array">
          <order property="TimeStamp" order="asc"/>

    This way you can use the Article to Video object relationship as normal but access the additional properties if you need to:

    // Creating the join using the many-to-many relationship
    article = transfer.get("article.Article", 1);

    You can also then access the join, how you get the information to correlate the above relationship to the join might require a bit of work, so you will likely have to decide up front whether the join you are creating you will want more info:

    // Creating the join using the ArticleVideo object
    articleVideo ="article.ArticleVideo");
    // Using a composite ID to access the ArticleVideo
    articleVideo = transfer.get("article.ArticleVideo", {
      "ArticleID" = 1,
      "VideoID" = 1
    WriteOutput("The timestamp is: #articleVideo.getTimeStamp()#");

    Otherwise you can adjust all of the relationships, but this will require you using an intermediate object between your videos and articles. If it is just a timestamp, then it may be unnecessary.