
Change my component GUID in wix?

When should I change or not change my component GUID in WIX? The Microsoft SDK information is confusing.

Glytzhkof edit: To clarify, the question deals with when a component GUID should be changed for an MSI component. A component can change with aspects such as: changed destination path, addition or removal of files to/from the same component, addition of registry data etc... This causes problems with regards to the so called component referencing, i.e the best practice for creating components in MSI.


  • The overall concept of MSI is that there is a 1:1 mapping between a component GUID (unique identifier) and an absolute path (install location / key path). The full path, including file name if any (a directory can be the key path for a component). See update below for a new Wix feature to deal auto-magically with this.

    Rob Mensching (WiX author):

    More on Component Rules:

    I use some simple rules to deal with the overly complex and rather counterintuitive component rules (especially for developers as opposed to deployment specialists):

    Some samples:


    Auto Component-GUIDs: WIX now has a new auto-generate component GUID feature that calculates a GUID as long as the target path stays the same. I have not tried this out to be honest, but many seem to use it without problems, and Rob Mensching (Wix author) states it is safe for normal use. As a concept I highly recommend this since it features some auto-magic and shields you from some complexity.

    Minimal WiX Markup: Also note that you can leave out a lot of source attributes from your Wix xml file and rely on Wix defaults instead of hard coding values.