
How to find the request-URL from inside Greasemonkey's GM_xmlhttpRequest "onload" callback in case of 302 redirect?

I have a GM_xmlhttpReqeust function setup as follows (simplified version) in my Greasemonkey script.

    synchronous: false,
    method: "HEAD",
    url: "",
    onload: function(response){console.debug(url);},

Could someone please point me to the proper Greasemonkey/JavaScript way?


  • The response passed to onload is an object with these key properties:

    You want finalUrl, you get it like:

    GM_xmlhttpRequest ( {
        synchronous:    false,
        method:         "HEAD",
        url:            "",
        onload:         function (response) {
            console.debug (response.finalUrl);
    } );

    Update for revised/clarified question:

    In order to get/know the originally requested URL, you must call GM_xmlhttpRequest() in a closure. Like so:

    var origURL = "";
    (function (targURL) {
        GM_xmlhttpRequest ( {
            synchronous:    false,
            method:         "HEAD",
            url:            targURL,
            onload:         function (response) {
                console.log ("orig URL: ", targURL);
                console.log ("final URL: ", response.finalUrl);
        } );
    } ) (origURL);