I've some experience with compilable languages, but I'm new to Javascript, and it really messes with me. So probably I'm generally doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is.
A code example (not working):
function show_element(element_name){
function hide_element(element_name){
function switch_display(element_to_hide, element_to_show){
The HTML code looks like this:
<area shape="rect" coords="0,252,98,337" onMouseOver="switch_display("content_navigator_1","content_navigator_2")">
And debugging in Firefox gives me the error message while onMouseOver:
syntax error: switch_display (
Thanks for helping me!
(Secondary questions: Do you also experience problems with Javascript? Is it really a logical language, or just a trial & error language? And is there somewhere a JS compiler, for good sake?)
Your specific error is here (u have other issues, see bottom of my answer)
<area shape="rect" coords="0,252,98,337" onMouseOver="switch_display("content_navigator_1","content_navigator_2")">
Switch it to
<area shape="rect" coords="0,252,98,337" onMouseOver="switch_display('content_navigator_1','content_navigator_2')">
Let me know if I need to explain why.
One more problem, besides the cause of your error, is u try to call an HTML Element by name, better would be to do it by id, and then use: