i made many times questions about connections on mongodb, i cant understand many things yet, but i try...
with this connection...
db.collection('usuarios').insert(campos,{safe:true}, function(err, result)
i get a safe connection.... but mongodb pull me this warning
= Please ensure that you set the default safe variable to one of the =
= allowed values of [true | false | {j:true} | {w:n, wtimeout:n} | {fsync:true}] =
= the default value is false which means the driver receives does =
= return the information of the success/error of the insert/update/remove =
= =
= ex: new Db(new Server('localhost', 27017), {safe:true}) =
= =
= http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/getLastError+Command =
= =
= The default of false will change to true in the near future =
= =
= This message will disappear when the default safe is set on the driver Db =
so i try this way...
var db = mongo.db("root:toor@",{safe:true});
db.collection('usuarios').insert(campos,{new:true}, function(err, result)
but im not sure if this is a safe:true connection so i put like this
var db = mongo.db("root:toor@",{safe:true});
db.collection('usuarios').insert(campos,{safe:true},{new:true}, function(err, result)
may be that way is safe:true but when i put safe:true before new:true mongodb returns me the old var, so i put safe:true after new:true
var db = mongo.db("root:toor@",{safe:true});
db.collection('usuarios').insert(campos,{new:true},{safe:true}, function(err, result)
and works right but im not sure if it is safe:true, so i try put safe:true in new:true object like this
var db = mongo.db("root:toor@",{safe:true});
db.collection('usuarios').insert(campos,{new:true,safe:true},function(err, result)
i thought that mongdb freaks out! but nothing... no error no nothing .... so i dont know how can i know when mongodb is using safe:true or not safe:true...
how can i know that??
the api is no longer {safe: true}
but {w: 1}
var db = mongo.db('mongodb://', {w: 1})
{safe: true}
will still work, but it's deprecated. if you set it at the DB level, you don't need to set it at the collection.insert()
the api signature for insert is insert(docs[, options][, callback])
, so you should only have one options object.
also, there is no {new: true}
options for collection.insert
so basically, you don't need to set any options (on insert).