
How can I style CellList items on a per-item basis?

I have a CellList in GWT 2.5. Each cell item is a class based on AbstractCell and defined in a UiBinder file.

How can I set different styles for each item? I'd like some to appear in a "disabled" style and others in an "active" style.

This is the content from my .ui.xml file. I've not included the style definitions or UiBinder scaffolding.

<div class="{}">
            <img class="{}" src="{photo}"/>
        <div class="{style.names}">
                <p><ui:text from="{name}"/></p>
                <p><ui:text from="{jobTitle}"/></p>
                <p><ui:text from="{company}"/></p>


  • Use CellList.getRowElement():
