
How do you know what SRID to use for a shp file?

I am trying to put a SHP file into my PostGIS database, the the data is just a little off. I think this is because I am using the wrong SRID. The contents of the PRJ file are as follows:


What SRID does this correlate to? And more generally, how can I look up the SRID based on the information found in the PRJ file? Is there a lookup table somewhere that lists all SRID's and their 'geogcs' equivalents?

The data imported using srid=4269 and 4326 were the exact same results.

Does this mean I'm using the wrong SRID, or is this just expected margin of error?

The shp file is from here.


  • To elaborate on synecdoche's answer, the SRID is sometimes called an "EPSG" code. The SRID/EPSG code is a defacto short-hand for the Well-Known-Text representations of projections.

    You can do a quick search on the SRID table to see if you can find an exact or similar match:
    SELECT srid, srtext, proj4text FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srtext ILIKE '%BLAH%'

    Above was found at

    You can also search on for these kinds of things. The search tool is primitive so you may have to use a Google search and specify the site, but any results will show you the ESRI PRJ contents, the PostGIS SQL INSERT, and a bunch of other representations.

    I think your PRJ is at: