
Any Flex 4 migration experience?

My current development stack is MySQL + iBatis + Spring + Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.01 + BlazeDS 3.2 and Flex 3 with Mate 0.8.9 framework. Now Flash Builder 4 beta 2 is out. There are cool features like Data Centric Development (DCD), form generation etc... Do you know how Spring Blazeds Integration works with BlazeDS 4? What about Mate? Is there any issues with Flex 4 ? How DCD suits with mate eventmaps. I know it is better to try it out myself but I just want to check if somebody ever tried to migrate Flex 4. If so what are the issues? Did you notice any productivity speed up? Thanks.


  • I can't tell you anything about migrating your third-party components. I don't use the ones you've mentioned.

    I can tell you, however, that you won't be able to simply load your existing project up into Flash Builder 4, change the SDK to 4.0, and expect it to recompile. A huge number of things have changed in Flex 4, often incompatibly.

    Here are the ones I've run into so far:

    The new compiler doesn't seem all that much faster to me, either. I haven't benchmarked it, just going on feel, which is what really matters to me, since it still makes me feel like pounding my head on my desk. :) It certainly isn't using the other 7 cores in my development box. Grrr.