
How to query cosm json feed using the cosm javascript library

I am new to web development and I have bit off more than I can chew.

So far, I successfully have created a website to query the latest data at

Now I am trying to save the last 10 data points from the feed to an array using the cosm javascript library. I can't get the right syntax and I can't find examples to guide me.

cosm.feed.history( 12068, duration:'30seconds', callback(data) );

UPDATE 2013-4-14 After implementing @bjpirt's solution, I noticed I wasn't getting 'every' value returned inside the specified duration. Solved it by adding "interval:0" to the request.

  cosm.datastream.history( cosmFeed1, cosmDataStream1, {duration:'60seconds', interval:0}, getHistory );


  • @lebreeze is correct with his advice. I got your JSFiddle working so that it is now fetching data from the Cosm API:

    I had to make a few changes to get it working, any of which would have been causing you errors:

    Also, that feed doesn't seem to have been updated recently.

    Here's the updated code which seems to be working fine now:

        //read only key
        var cosmFeed = 120687;
        var cosmDataStream = "sensor_reading";
        $(document).ready( function()  {
            var success = function(data){
                for(var datapoint in data.datapoints){
                    var dp = data.datapoints[datapoint];
                    $('#stuff').append('<li>Value: ' + dp.value + ' At: ' + + '</li>');
            //Print out the last 10 readings or so
            cosm.datastream.history( cosmFeed, cosmDataStream, {duration:'1day'}, success ); 

    It's difficult to get just the last x datapoints (that's something we should change in the API I think) - what you'd normally do is ask for a specific time period.

    Hope this helps.