When I open a cocosbuilder project again after I adding some new directories, it pops up a dialog that says
Too Many Directories
You have created or opened a project which is in a directory with very many sub directories. Please save your project-files in a directory together with the resources you use in your project.
I know it is because there are too many directories.
But I wonder if there is any other method that can solves this problem except removing my new added directories.
You could always remove the warning directly in CocosBuilder source and rebuilt it, provided that you use the github version.
Otherwise you could petition for the change requested by MK on github.
The offending code is located in CocosBuilderAppDelegate.m
, around line ~1155
[[CocosBuilderAppDelegate appDelegate] modalDialogTitle:@"Too Many [...]
You will have to remove this line in at least two places.
- (void) checkForTooManyDirectoriesInCurrentDoc
if (!currentDocument) return;
if ([ResourceManager sharedManager].tooManyDirectoriesAdded)
// Close document if it has too many sub directories
NSTabViewItem* item = [self tabViewItemFromDoc:currentDocument];
[tabView removeTabViewItem:item];
[ResourceManager sharedManager].tooManyDirectoriesAdded = NO;
// Notify the user
[[CocosBuilderAppDelegate appDelegate] modalDialogTitle:@"Too Many Directories" message:@"You have created or opened a file which is in a directory with very many sub directories. Please save your ccb-files in a directory together with the resources you use in your project."];
- (BOOL) checkForTooManyDirectoriesInCurrentProject
if (!projectSettings) return NO;
if ([ResourceManager sharedManager].tooManyDirectoriesAdded)
[self closeProject];
[ResourceManager sharedManager].tooManyDirectoriesAdded = NO;
// Notify the user
[[CocosBuilderAppDelegate appDelegate] modalDialogTitle:@"Too Many Directories" message:@"You have created or opened a project which is in a directory with very many sub directories. Please save your project-files in a directory together with the resources you use in your project."];
return NO;
return YES;
In CocosBuilder/ccBuilder/ResourceManager.h
There is a marco defined as below:
#define kCCBMaxTrackedDirectories 50
So we can simply change 50
to a larger number, and the problem can be solved.