
Trouble install PIP Windows

I have read posts on here but something doesn't seem to work. I am new to Python dev. I am running windows 7 64bit.

I am trying to install pip which I have downloaded and have easy_install in my c:\python27\scripts directory. When I use powershell and type

"python easy_install pip"

I get the error message:

"can't open file easy_install": [Errno 2] No such file or directory.

This seems odd as I can see the easy_install.exe is in that directory.

I have added c:\python27\scripts to my system PATH but, to be honest, I am not sure if this is right.

Could someone please help? Thank you.


  • The best way to fix this is to compile easy_install yourself. First download the source code, and then compile it using python.

    1 - Go here.

    enter image description here

    2 - Then extract the file, using 7-zip, or any software that can unzip a tar file. This is a tar.gz file, so after one extraction, it will give you the tar file, and then it will give you the actual directory and files for setup tools

    3 - Go into the directory where you stored the contents of the extraction (using command prompt). For example, if you stored the directory on your desktop, you cd Desktop and then you go

    cd dir_where_easy_install_is.

    4 - Then run this command python install

    That will install easy_install for you.

    5 - Go back to your command line again, and then just type in easy_install pip, and that will install pip.

    Then go ahead, and test it out, by installing django, just go into your command prompt, and enter this pip install django. After the download and the install, type in pip list, and see if django is in there. If it is, then pip has been successfully installed.